Water Outage Updates
Through the dedication and hard work of our Town Staff and Partners various infrastructure vulnerabilities have been located and isolated. Spruce Street. Reservoir is currently filling for the first time since the extreme cold weather during the holidays. The filling process will take some time; however, we anticipate restoring water service to those who have been without water by approximately 9am on Saturday, December 31. If you are still without water at noon on December 31, please call 828-648-2376 to report your outage. The mandatory water conservation remains in effect until further notice. The Boil Water Advisory is still in effect for those customers that have been without water service and should be followed until rescinded.
The Town of Canton can provide potable water delivery or pickup for affected customers by calling 648-2376. Lastly, we want to thank each of you for your patience and understanding during this time.
The Town of Canton is operating at full capacity 24 hours a day and is still experiencing extreme low water levels resulting in customers being without water service. We are actively searching for the cause of this issue. We appreciate everyone’s diligence reporting any issues that they see and adhering to the mandatory conservation of water. We will provide updates as these issues change.
The Town of Canton currently has no active leaks that have been reported, however we are still experiencing extremely low water levels resulting in customers being without water service. The Town’s water system is operating at full capacity 24 hours a day and Town crews are also working 24 hours to restore water service. We are working with our industrial partners to locate and isolate ANY issues that are putting a strain on our water system. The Town of Canton is taking every precaution to ensure public safety. Again, if you see any standing water or unusual water flow, please report it immediately to 828-648-2363 or after hours to 828-648-2376. Please continue to conserve as much water as possible. If you are currently without water, you may call 828-648-2376 to request water be delivered.
The Town of Canton is actively searching for leaks in our water system. We are asking everyone to be diligent and report any leak big or small immediately by calling 648-2363 or after hours to 648-2376, we cannot express how important this is. If you are currently out of water and have not already reported your outage, please call the numbers above to let us know that you are without drinking water. Lastely, please check on your neighbors especially if you have elderly neighbors or residents that you think might not be on Haywood Alerts or social media. We are happy to provide a welfare check if you report the address to us. Thank you!
The Town of Canton crews have been working the last 96 hours straight to find and repair water line breaks that are depleting our water reservoirs due to the unusually extreme cold temperatures.
We want to thank everyone for understanding, having patience, and especially continuing to conserve water. If you see any broken lines or unusual water, please report this immediately at 648-2363 or 648-2376. If you are without water, please call 648-2376 and report your outage to us so we know who we have without service. Thank you!
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