Whether you are currently operating a business in Canton or looking to start one, there are a number of resources at your fingertips. The Town of Canton is here to assist you in any way we can.
Town of Canton
Our knowledgeable and experienced staff will work with you to 1) expand your existing business or 2) steer you in the right direction toward starting your very own.
Haywood Community College – Small Business Center
Thinking about starting a business in Canton or growing one already here? Take a trip to the Small Business Center’s website where you can learn about the programs and services they offer and allow them to be your partner for business success.
Haywood County Economic Development Council
“Always working to foster a healthy and prosperous economy and quality of life for our community through the development of capital investment, job creation and entrepreneurial opportunities while supporting existing business and industry.”
Haywood County Tourism Development Authority
Get involved and advertise/promote your existing business with our local Tourism Development Authority.
VisitNC & Get Listed
The official Travel & Tourism website for North Carolina! If you don’t already…have your business or event listed on VisitNC.com by clicking the “Get Listed” link above.