Whether you are a business or industry looking to relocate, here in Canton you will find a wonderful community in which you will enjoy living & working in as well as, local government agencies willing to work hand-in-hand with you to make the area thrive. Local officials will assist companies looking to relocate in dealing with local issues from locating the real estate needed to open shop to negotiating tax abatement & seeking industrial bonds to setup training or retraining of a workforce through the local Haywood Community College. Incentive packages offered to relocating companies are negotiated on a case-by-case basis in order to achieve the best results for both the business & the Canton/Haywood County community. Local officials work with the company to determine what their needs are & then put together a package that would be mutually beneficial.
The Town of Canton currently offers a number of incentive and/or grant programs, like the Façade Grant, to assist businesses eager to expand or locate to the community.
It is the policy of the Town of Canton, when funding is available and budgeted by the Board of Aldermen, to provide economic development grants for companies, industries, commercial/retail business owners, and new entrepreneurs seeking to start or relocate businesses in Canton, NC. The Economic Development Incentive Policy is designed to stimulate private sector investment, economic growth and job creation in Canton by offering grants. Moreover, it establishes a consistent manner for the Town’s participation in the development of business activity which will have a significant and positive effect on the economic health of the community now and in the future.
Town Manager:
Lisa Stinnett | lstinnett@cantonnc.com