The Town of Canton real and personal property taxes are billed annually in September and due by January 5. Tax amounts are based on Haywood County’s value assessment of the property and calculated using the Town’s tax rate as established by the Board of Alderman/women.
All residents that live within the Corporate Limits of the Town of Canton or own a business within Town limits are subject to Town taxes. Tax bills are mailed to the property owner on record as of January 1 of the tax year. If you sold the property assessed to you, please notify the new owner. Failure to receive the tax bill does not relieve your obligation.
The Town of Canton’s current tax rate is 54 cents per $100.00 assessed valuation. To calculate your Town taxes, multiply the assessed value by 0.0054.
Example: Assessed property value is $289,000 x 0.0054 = $1,560.60
The Town does not assess the valuation of properties. For information regarding your property’s assessed value, please contact the Haywood County Tax Assessors’ office at 828-452-6734.