Stage 1 Voluntary Water Conservation for Canton and Clyde | December 29, 2024
The Town of Canton and the Town of Clyde have implemented Stage 1 Voluntary Water Conservation Procedures due to high river levels and sedimentation in the treatment plant intake. All water users are encouraged to reduce their water consumption and improve water use efficiency. Water supply conditions indicate a potential for shortage.
Customers should limit car washing to a minimum; limit lawn and garden water to that which is necessary to sustain plant survival (The best time to water is before 10:00 a.m.); Do not wash down outside areas, such as sidewalks, patios, parking lots, etc.; Do not leave faucets running while shaving, rinsing dishes, or brushing teeth; Water shrubbery and house plants to the minimum required, reusing household water when possible; Operate clothes washers and dishwashers only when fully located; Use shower for bathing rather than bathtub; Use disposable and biodegradable dishes; Use flow restrictive and water saving devices; Limit hours of operation of water-cooled air conditioners; Delay temporarily any new landscape work until the water shortage has ended; Identify and repair all water leaks.