Cerebral Palsy Awareness 5K
12:00pm | Registration is 9:00-10:30am
This 5k is to promote awareness and education to our community, and surrounding communities, on the causes and effects of Cerebral Palsy (CP). March 25th is National CP Awareness Day and we want as many people as possible to come out and support not only CP, but people with varying needs in our community.
All funds raised will be used to purchase equipment for the Canton All-Abilities Playground!
All abilities and ages are welcome! Registration is from 9:00-10:30am and is $25/person. Kids 14 and under are FREE.
WHY: Help us support the purchase of all-abilities playground equipment in our community.
HOW: Individuals and Businesses may become a sponsor by contacting us directly by emailing sara_gibson07@yahoo.com before March 10th! Sponsors may donate funds, swag items, or volunteer their time!
BENEFITS: Support your community by donating funds that will be used to purchase all-ability playground equipment in the Town of Canton.